Wednesday, February 22, 2012


What is a Micro expresion? , This phrase is familiar if you studied psychology but ordinary people are usually not mengerahuinya,

Micro Expression is a brief expression on the face corresponding to the emotion that was going on. They are usually more easily be captured when encountered by humans in high-risk situations, where people are going to lose something such as loss of self-esteem. Micro expressions reveals the seven universal emotions: disgust, anger, fear, sadness, happiness, surprise, and disgust. They can occur as fast as 1/25. Seconds.

When we communicate with someone, we will be able to master the communication or we can know the truth even if the other person we're covering something that does not want to be known by us.

This expression can not be hidden, whatever the language, wherever it comes from, Micro expresion is universal, so many benefits that we can do if we know the expressions of the people around us,

Ekpreasi this is:

- People will raise his eyes and opened his mouth when shocked

- People will focus his eyes and lowered his eyebrows when angry

- People will draw her eyebrows and lips when they feel disgusted menaikaan

- People will open his mouth a little when fear

- People will lift up his lips next to being insulted

- People will lose focus when his eyes are sad,

You can try to learn Expression melihatdan someone in

American Micro expresion an expert DR. Paul Ekman studied the ability of people to detect deception. Previously DR. Paul Ekman select few people who are able to accurately detect when someone is lying. The project has identified more than 50 people with the skills and testing nearly 20,000 people. Science of micro expressions are used to determine whether someone is telling the truth. Scientists hope to learn more Micro expresion they can improve the techniques used to identify fraud.

Many films are also using Micro expresion as her subject: First: "Lie to me" tells Dr. Cal. Lightman (Tim Roth), a psychologist Junius that detects lies with body language and Micro expresion, he founded the company Lightman Group who assist federal agency as well as many other institutions in America to solve cases that Big, the second Fil "Law & Order": where Detective Robert Goren using Micro also expresion in solving the case,

So Micro expresion expression of a person not only knows but also can detect lies.

People who lie have psychological conditions, namely:
Fear or anxiety

- The face and sweaty palms

- Intake of breath in the

- Lips become dry

- Clear your throat and small cough

- Advance gradually pale

- Frequent hand plays

- Body becomes stiff

- Often looked away

Power-Trying to cover up lies in order to withstand the facial expression of emotion does not come out

- Smiling quickly

- Covering the mouth

- Touching the nose

- Wiping the face

- Avoiding eye contact

Internal Conflict

- Frequent blinking

- Menaikaan eyebrows only one side

- Shoulders shaking

- Nose feels itchy

- There is a change in tone of voice

- Hand shaking

- The face becomes nervous

Many of the benefits when studying this science, we could try to key people who appear on television, or we know the expression about Do your people wisely and do not drop people when you have mastered Micro expresion, Good luck

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