Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Determining Blood Type Career

Blood type determines one's career. It is delivered by the Rector of the University of Ma Chung (UMC) Malang, Leenawaty Limantara, MSc. PhD seminar UMC Edubition 2012. "Blood pH Determine Our ​​Health" Saturday 18 Feb 2012 in Malang UMC.

Who would have thought blood type determines one's career, because blood type has a major role in shaping a person's character. Even for business matchmaking, blood type have an influence as well.

Blood type forming the basis of a person's character. Blood groups provide a unique foundation of character in a person and of a character that could determine who fits in one's career. A person who has blood type A have a character who is a perfectionist, people with blood type B have individualistic nature, blood type O were gifted the lead, while the owner of AB blood type rational character.

Blood Type Determine a suitable career for someone. For example: The owner is blood type A secretary, or administrative accountant requires precision, small details and regularity. B blood groups match to be a scientist, an artist or adventurer who are individualistic in character, thinker and loves freedom. Suitable for O blood group in leadership positions in general, army, because his character is ambitious, open and strong. As for the AB blood group is very unique because it has a combination of blood groups A and B, such as having two personalities. AB blood groups matched a writer or technician because it has character too critical, creative, sensitive, and can do many things, but tend to be the owner of this blood group is more closed than the other blood groups.

Determining Blood Type Career

In Japan and Korea, the blood group is very influential in the social life. General manager of the company in Japan blood type O or A which they believed was fit to hold office. In addition to employment issues, business matchmaking was often seen on the blood group owned. Man with blood type B are reluctant to be dating for women because of the individualistic character and do not want to be tied because it enjoys freedom. Likewise with blood type AB woman reluctantly chosen man for his fickle.

Indeed, many other factors that determine a person's character, but in Japan and Korea, including the blood group factors important to Takeji Furukawa Japanese scientists make the research on the characters and blood groups. Even appear slogan "You are what you bleed" your character is your blood.

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