Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Benefits Meniran

Meniran or Phylanthus urinaria, Linn. or Phylanthus alatus, Bl. or P. cantonensis, Hornem. or P. echinatus, Wall. or P. lepidocarpus, Sieb.et Zucc or P. leprocarpus, Wight.

Familia: Euphorbiaceae

Wet trunked round rod with less than 50 cm high. The leaves have even every single finned petiole consists of compound leaves that have small size and oval shaped. Flowers: There is the axillary facing downwards. Terms Growing: Meniran plants from the tropics that grows wild in the forests, fields,

Yard gardens and yard, are generally not maintained, because it is considered normal grass plants. Meniran place that thrives on the humid lowlands up to an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level.

Local names:
Child pick a back (UK), Kilanelli (India), Meniran (Java); Chu Zhen Cao, zhu xia Ye (China), Gasau madungi (Ternate).
Chemical compounds contained in plant Meniran: - Substance filantin - Potassium - Mineral - Resin - Tanning Substances.
For drug use:
1. Jaundice
a. Main Ingredients: 16 Plant Meniran (roots, stems, leaves)

Additional ingredients: 2 cups milk
How to make: Plant meniran washed and finely ground and boiled with 2 cups water to boiling milk to 1 cup.
How to use: filtered and drunk at once; performed every day.
b. Main Ingredients: 7 meniran plant stems (roots, stems and flowers)

Additional material: 7 pieces of dried clove flower, 5 cm ginger rhizome bulbs, 1 piece cinnamon
How to Make: All material is boiled with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup
How to use: filtered and drink 2 times a day.
2. Malaria

Main ingredients: 7 Trunk Meniran plant complete
Additional ingredients: dried clove flower seeds 5, 1 piece cinnamon
Method: All the material is washed, then finely ground and boiled with 2 cups water to boil.
How to use: filtered and drink 2 times a day.
3. Epilepsy

Main Ingredients: 17-21 meniran plant stems (roots, stems, leaves and flowers)
How to make: material is washed, then boiled with 5 cups water to boil down to ± 2.5 glasses.
How to use: filtered and drunk twice daily 1 day 3/4 cup for 3 consecutive days
4. Fever

Main ingredients: 3-7 complete meniran Plant stem (root, stem, leaves and flowers)
How to make: material is washed, then brewed with 1 cup hot water.
How to use: filtered, then drink as well.
5. Cough

Main Ingredients: 3-7 complete meniran plant stems (roots, stems, leaves, and flowers)
Additional material: Honey to taste.
Method: Material is washed, then finely ground and boiled with 3 tablespoons of cooking water, the results were mixed with 1 tablespoon of honey until evenly distributed.
How to use: drink at once and be done 2 times a day
6. Excessive menstrual

Main Ingredients: 3-7 pieces of dried root Meniran
Additional ingredients: 1 cup water tajan
Method: finely ground materials and boiled with 2 cups water to a boil, then added with starch 1 cup water and stir until blended.
How to use: filtered and drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.
7. Dysentery

Main Ingredients: 17 stems of plants meniran complete (roots, stems, leaves and flowers)
Method: boiled in 3 cups water to boiling
How to use: filtered and drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.
8. Subject to Fire or Burn Hot Water

Main Ingredients: 3-7 complete meniran plant stems (roots, stems, leaves and flowers)
Additional ingredients: 1 rhizome of ginger root (4 cm), 3 pieces of dried clove, 1 piece of wood sugar.
Method: The main ingredient finely ground, and sliced ​​ginger. Then mixed with other ingredients and boiled in 3 cups water to boil.
9. Wound scabs

Main Ingredients: 9-15 trunk full meniran (roots, stems, leaves and flowers)
Method: Clean and wash Main material finely ground. Then boiled with 1 pot of water.
How to use: in warm conditions used for bathing.
10. Pimple

Main Ingredients: 7 Trunk plants meniran
Additional ingredients: 1 rhizome of turmeric root (4 cm)
How to make: All material washed thoroughly and until finely ground, then boiled with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup.
How to use: filtered and drunk at the same time, repeat regularly every day.
source: http://www.smallcrab.com/kesehatan/114-manfaat-meniran

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