Tuesday, February 28, 2012

5 Powerful Ways to Overcome Oily Face

Sweating, even though it's uncomfortable, but it gives a lot of benefits. Sweat cools and detoxify the body, and cleanses the pores of dirt, skin cells die, and excess oil. You just need to be diligent wiping sweat with a towel, otherwise the toxins will settle in the face and causing clogged pores and breakouts.

Unfortunately, when we are sweating due to hot weather, your face can look greasy and make-up so faded. So that we did not even go back and forth to the toilet for a touch-up, try changing your habits in caring for the face.

1. Do not wash your face too often
When the weather is so hot, you definitely feel like more often flushed face with cold water. However, excessive foam and water was able to scrape the skin moisture and cause the sebaceous glands (which secrete an oily substance called sebum) worked hard to moisturize the skin. It is precisely to cause a rebound effect, in the form of oily skin.
Keep washing your face twice a day, while for touch-ups during the day is better to use a lighter toner or facial wipes with moisturizer. You is not recommended for very intense anti acne products. "You should not use products intended for teenage acne," said Howard Murad, MD, a dermatologist.
These products target the acne that arise due to the hormone, the condition is very different from acne in women ages 20-40s. Use products that contain anti-inflammatory and anti-infective.
2. Choose a lighter moisturizer
Imported products such as face cream for cold air is not suitable for our skin. Although a more nourishing antiaging formula will work effectively when used night (can increase skin cell regeneration and collagen production that naturally occurs when we sleep), but the lotion for the morning should be lighter. Makeup artist Angela Levin advise you to put a tissue on the surface of your face after applying moisturizer in the morning. The goal is that excess moisture can be removed from the skin.
3. Use a foundation primer
If you whitewash the walls of the house before painting it, then that's how you apply the primer before applying foundation. This is done so that the skin is softer and not shiny. Primary products are oil-free and ideally should be able to absorb excess oil on the face, as well as nourish the skin and does not cause dry.
4. Apply make-up right
As well as choosing a primary, choose an oil-free formula but antikering also key when choosing a good foundation. Oily skin you can choose products that contain oil absorbent materials and conditioning. Owner combination and sensitive skin types, can use oil-free products that contain SPF 20. For sweat-free eye makeup, eye shadow and eyeliner select waterproof.
5. Onionskin
Instant way to do touch-ups on the sidelines of your busy life is wiping his face with wax paper. Always keep oil paper products in your bag. Currently there is also a paper containing powder light oil, so you instantly fresh face in an instant.
Source: ELLE

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