Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Gratus Secrets of Traditional Medicine Diabetes

Gratus is the name for a group of family Myrmeleontidae insects (sometimes incorrectly spelled as Myrmeleonidae). In the world there are approximately 2,000 species Antlion and they spread all over the world, especially in warm temperate regions and sandy.

The Benefits Of Honey For Beauty

The benefits of honey for beauty - "If you want to stay young, stay fresh and fit despite old age, always drink regular honey." - Ibn Sina, the philosopher and pioneer of modern medicine. The advice of Ibn Sina, even talking about the health benefits of honey also implies for beauty. Honey is a remedy to enhance your natural self. That is why for a long time honey is used for the treatment of facial beauty, skin and hair.

Benefits Meniran

Meniran or Phylanthus urinaria, Linn. or Phylanthus alatus, Bl. or P. cantonensis, Hornem. or P. echinatus, Wall. or P. lepidocarpus, Sieb.et Zucc or P. leprocarpus, Wight.

Familia: Euphorbiaceae

Wet trunked round rod with less than 50 cm high. The leaves have even every single finned petiole consists of compound leaves that have small size and oval shaped. Flowers: There is the axillary facing downwards. Terms Growing: Meniran plants from the tropics that grows wild in the forests, fields,

Yard gardens and yard, are generally not maintained, because it is considered normal grass plants. Meniran place that thrives on the humid lowlands up to an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level.

5 Powerful Ways to Overcome Oily Face

Sweating, even though it's uncomfortable, but it gives a lot of benefits. Sweat cools and detoxify the body, and cleanses the pores of dirt, skin cells die, and excess oil. You just need to be diligent wiping sweat with a towel, otherwise the toxins will settle in the face and causing clogged pores and breakouts.

Unfortunately, when we are sweating due to hot weather, your face can look greasy and make-up so faded. So that we did not even go back and forth to the toilet for a touch-up, try changing your habits in caring for the face.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Ciplukan not a person's name. It is a kind of medicinal plants. In addition to the leaves, fruits, stems and roots also have healing power.

Ciplukan or physallis peruviana.L does not have a name in Indonesian. It is precisely in the language of many terms. Starting from ceplokan, keceplokan, ciciplukan, kopok-kopokan (Bali), cecendet, cecenet (Sunda), nyornyoran (Madura), Leletokan (Minahasa), Kenampok (Sasak), and lapunonat (Tanimbarese, Seram).

This plant is an annual shrub, which is classified as a wild plant. Ciplukan can be found in vacant lands that are not too muddy. Such as the edge of the ditch, suburban train track, the edges of the garden, and the slopes of the river bank. Can grow at an altitude of 0-1800 feet above sea level.

Riveting Shown With Natural Color Make Up

MAKE UP is an important factor for the appearance and beauty of women. Especially when an important event such as a party or a birthday. As far as possible a woman wants a perfect appearance. So, what tips and tricks wearing make-up at the crucial moment?

The steps that should be taken when wearing make-up is:

1. Clean your face thoroughly until the neck.

2. Use moisturizer before applying foundation foundation so that the face is not dry and look fresh. Furthermore mate Dab powder soft and matches the color of your skin.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


What is a Micro expresion? , This phrase is familiar if you studied psychology but ordinary people are usually not mengerahuinya,

Micro Expression is a brief expression on the face corresponding to the emotion that was going on. They are usually more easily be captured when encountered by humans in high-risk situations, where people are going to lose something such as loss of self-esteem. Micro expressions reveals the seven universal emotions: disgust, anger, fear, sadness, happiness, surprise, and disgust. They can occur as fast as 1/25. Seconds.